My journey onto exploring therapies and medicine started 1998 on a foundation course with Neal’s Yard Remedies. The course back then covered Herbs, Homeopathy, Chinese Medicine and Bach Flower remedies.
In 1999 I left the UK for Australia and met a couple of Ngangkari Indigenous Elders (Traditional Healers/Shamans), I then undertook an apprenticeship to learn some of their healing medicine ways. During that time I explored Sweat Lodge, Vision Quest, Shamanic Journey, Talking Stick Ceremony and Transpersonal Therapies.

Sifu James Lawrence
Registered Homeopath, Shaolin Wahnam Appointed instructor
The Shaolin Wahnam School & Shaolin Arts
In 2005 I started learning the Shaolin Cosmos Kung Fu & Qigong (Chi Kung) Arts, and have been visiting Malaysia since to attend courses run by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit. In 2011 I was granted permission to practice as a Qigong (Chi Kung) Therapist and in the summer of 2018 I was appointed as an Instructor of the Shaolin Wahnam Institute and I currently run Qigong courses In London.
After using a Homeopathy myself it soon became apparent the significance of the homeopathic benefits. Subsequently I went on to study Homeopathy and graduated in 2013. Since then I have been registered member with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (MARH). Based in Enfield, London, I work from the well established Keats Health Complementary Clinic on a regular basis, click HERE for more info.
Talking Stick Ceremony
Following my Shamanic studies I held Talking Stick Ceremony at One World Healing festival (UK) for seven years, I saw the many beneficial and life changing results in the participants, and even to this day they are reaping the results of this powerful yet simple ceremony.
Ongoing Progress
I’m dedicated to learning new concepts and philosophies in different fields whilst expanding the current ever growing medicine skills to bring individuals closer to self-understanding to benefit health, happiness, vitality and the mind.
I look at each person beyond the regular norms as there are many aspects to be considered that maybe hidden and distant from ones owns insight.
‘There is no end to ongoing learning as life is a stream of meaningful experiences.’
More Thoughts
Psychological issues play a big part in ones dis-ease on all levels & the mind has a big part to play in balancing mental, physical & emotional ailments. Work & home stress can lead to a mental & emotional breakdown and ignite an emotional fuel that can later spiral out of control. Usually it is only when one hits a crisis that one may turn to complementary therapies. If one has awareness before this point, it can either be avoided or dealt with before reaching a critical or crisis point.
Click HERE to find our a little more on Mental Health
My Aim
My aim is to help, guide and support you back to an acceptable & manageable state to enable you to live life with more joy, health, vitality, awareness and appreciation.
Have an Informal Chat
More often people will glaze over words on a website are looking to action something in themselves, ask yourself how many times have you searched the web for something different, It takes just a few moments to make the call that could make a lifetime of difference.
Call me for a friendly and informal chat if you want to find out more and discuss any issue that you want to address.
Contact James for further details via email, call, SMS or Whatsapp.