Talking Stick Ceremony
Talking Stick Origins
The Talking Stick Ceremony origins come from the Native American tradition. It is a place where people gather to find healing, contemplate, or give council. Is a place of listening openly, a place to express issues, of bonding friendships, and acknowledging life’s challenges. It is a powerful tool for families and couples to settle internal issues, to find positive outcomes and to help deep rooted issues surface, to be seen, be heard and transform.
Often people think this ceremony is a place to come and have a social chat. This is not the case, it is a sacred space for all of the above to happen and often deep healing can be experienced and personal outlooks often change.
For All People
Talking stick ceremony is available for Families, Groups, Communities & Couples and can be brought to your home or alternatively at an agreed neutral space.
Watch this space in for Free Special TSC events
To contact James for more details call:
07896 533 193 or email –
Talking Stick Ceremony Summer Festivals
Testimonies Talking Stick Ceremony

I’ve just come back from a truly wonderful and inspiring community healing experience, which all came from a Talking Stick ceremony hosted by James. James is a softly spoken healer, a medicine man of high integrity, insight and compassion.
James’s Talking Stick ceremony is simple and effective. Whilst everyone sits in a circle, participants pass the ‘stick’ in a clockwise direction, speaking only whilst holding the ‘stick.’ James created the perfect setting for us; a safe, strong, nurturing space for everyone to open and connect in trust together.
And with each round of the ‘stick’ the experience of going deeper felt stronger and stronger. James’s ceremony is suited to individuals, couples and groups and provides a wonderful means of healing, letting go of fear and opening within to a richer inner life of peace, love and happiness. I’ll be at the next talking stick ceremony in Chigwell, and I hope you can join us too.
Bear L (December 2016)
To say that I was a reluctant attendee of the ‘Talking Stick Ceremony’ would be an understatement. I didn’t quite see how it would help me, and not being particularly in touch with my spiritual side or one to open up in front of other people I felt that it might not be for me. How wrong could I have been! I ultimately was persuaded to go because the organiser, James, is someone whose opinion I have utmost respect for especially in his capacity as a complementary medicine practitioner, so on the basis of that I thought I’d ‘give it a whirl’.
I found the event unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The ceremony was conducted in an authentic manner which set the stage for an open forum where topics are discussed on all manner of subjects chosen by the person leading the Ceremony.
The effect is hard to explain but suddenly you find yourself opening up and examining subjects in a new way and the inhibitions of talking to a group of strangers suddenly melts away and the process of healing and resolving occurs very subtly, especially when the subject strikes a common chord with several members of the group who contribute thoughts and ideas that almost feel like a stranger is articulating your own feelings ! You find yourself opening up in ways that you might never have thought possible as the environment feels safe and non-judgemental. In short, I found it a surprisingly wonderful experience and I would wholeheartedly recommend anyone to seize the opportunity to attend a Talking Stick Ceremony.
I Hussain (2013)
The talking stick ceremony is a wonderful simple, soulful experience….It mixes ancient tradition with modern materials and creates a safe, warm, loving atmosphere….it allows you to listen intently and speak with feeling, in the knowledge that you will not be interrupted, and therefore only expression is created, not debate.
Also, the freedom to choose NOT to speak on a particular subject is greatly honored, should you wish not to.
The greatest thing that the ceremony taught me, was the fact that I thought I was a good listener, but now I truly know what it is to listen, rather than “wait to speak”.
Dave Binder One World Festival 2011